Some Recent Examples

We’re just getting started. Below are a few examples of the kind of work we have done and the level of quality we aim to deliver with every project.

Home & Neighbourhood Report and Poster

Our typical project deliverable following the research phase is a Home & Neighbourhood Report and Poster. Based on the archival research and family interviews, we will develop a beautifully designed report on your home and neighbourhood.

The H&N Report is usually between 12-16 pages in length and can be produced as a high-resolution PDF or a printed document. It includes a mix of text and imagery that provides additional insight into the history of your place. A great product to share with neighbours, extended family, and your children.

Sample Home & Neighbourhood Report

The H&N Poster is a 11×14 inch full-colour poster that can be framed when printed and will also be provided in digital format.

Sample H&N Poster

Family History

We can also create beautifully designed info-driven family trees for you to share either in digital or print formats with your extended family.

Sample Family History Poster